5,000 Spotify Editorial Playlist Plays


Elevate your Spotify tracks with Editorial Playlist Plays! Get streams from popular Editorial Playlists (e.g., USA 50, Viva Latino, Viral 50, Pop Hits, and more)!

 Expand your global reach: connect with a broader, organic audience by leveraging targeted editorial playlist plays.

Up to 10,000 Plays Daily

You can monitor progress and track the sources of streams through your artist app. Moreover, the playlist will be prominently displayed on your Spotify artist profile.

Here's why you should consider our service:

Exclusive privileges: our innovative approach grants us direct access to Spotify's editorial playlists. By directing playlist listeners to your music, we offer you an exceptional opportunity to gain streams from a diverse and engaged audience.

Enhanced exposure: streams originating from Spotify's editorial playlists will significantly boost the visibility of your music on the platform. This heightened exposure can attract new fans, potential collaborators, and industry professionals, opening doors to further success. We are deeply committed to supporting artists like yourself in achieving your musical aspirations. Take advantage of this extraordinary chance to amplify your music and scale new heights on Spotify!

Please note: While your tracks won't be explicitly listed within the playlist, rest assured that all the streams originate from these highly influential playlists, magnifying your overall exposure.
During checkout, please include the link to your Spotify track and indicate the specific Spotify editorial playlist from which you would like the streams to originate.