TOP-7 most common questions people have about Spotify

TOP-7 most common questions people have about Spotify

Spotify is the largest audio streaming service in the world for more than one or two reasons. From the apparent low-price to the fact that almost any artist in the world nowadays uploads their music to Spotify, there is no easier-to-use app for music out there.

You can use Spotify for free with certain limitations or pay for a Premium account that removes all ads and gives you access to all the functions of the service. Such include unlimited skipping, offline streaming, and overall customization of your music library and playlists.

Get your music discovered on Spotify

The following guide will take you through all the basic features of Spotify like changing your username, pictures, and even uploading your own music to the platform. If you never took the time to check out all the practical things you can do on Spotify, here is a small introduction.

How to change username on Spotify?

Take note that you cannot change your auto-generated username or the username you used when you created your account. You can change the "nickname" that will appear on your profile when you or someone else opens it. When you log in, you will have to use the original username or your email address still. Here is how to do it:

1. Open Spotify and click the menu at the top right of your screen. Click "Profile".

Spotify account

2. Now that you have opened your profile, click on the current username in your profile. Change it to your desired nickname and click "Save". You are all set.


How to cancel Spotify Premium?

1. Go to and log in into your account. You can also reach your account by clicking the drop-down menu on the top right in your desktop app and selecting “Account”, which will re-direct you to your account on the website.

2. In the menu on the left, click "Available plans". This same page also allows you to change your plan to a cheaper or more expensive one.

Spotify Premium Family

3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page until you see a purple box that states "Spotify Free". Click on the button on the bottom right.

Spotify interface

How much is Spotify Premium?

Spotify offers three Premium plans. You can choose between the regular Premium for a single person, Spotify Duo and Spotify Family. As the names suggest, Duo will give you Premium access to two accounts while Family grants access to up to 6 accounts. Here are the costs:

1. Spotify Premium - 4.99 EUR/month

2. Spotify Duo - 6.99 EUR/month

3. Spotify Family - 8.99 EUR/month

How to delete Spotify account?

1. Go to and click "Support" at the top of your screen.

2. In the "Account Help" category, click "Account settings"

support interface

3. When the new menu opens, click the last option - "Closing your account".

4. Spotify gives you several options to choose from. If you want to delete your account permanently, click the "Close your account" link showed on the image below. This will take you to the customer support page from where you can close the account by yourself.

closing table

5. Click on the "Account" option and then select "I want to close my account". After that, you will have to confirm it one last time and your account will be closed permanently.

Spotify tutorial

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How to upload music to Spotify?

1. First, you need to change the preferences in your Spotify account. To do this, open the program and click the three dots on the top left of your screen. Next, click "Edit" and then "Preferences".  

application menu bar

2. In "Settings", search for "Local Files" and click it so that it is in green.

3. Click "Your Library" in at the top left of your screen and you will be redirected to all your playlists. You should see a brand new one named "Local Files". There, you will find all the music from your computer which you can now play in Spotify.

artists icons

How to change Spotify username?

Unfortunately, you cannot change your Spotify username as it used for recognition. Instead, you can change your in-app username like it was described above.

How to change Spotify Playlist picture?

1. Go to Spotify and select any playlist you want. Just like you can change the name of the playlist, you can change the picture. Click on the compilation image created automatically by Spotify.

artist logo

2. Click on the image once again in the edit menu and select the picture you want to put. Then, click "Save".

Spotify tutorial

Final Words

You now know all the basics of Spotify plus some additional tricks that most people don’t even know are possible – for example, uploading your own music to Spotify. This ability to customize everything plus the affordable prices are what makes Spotify the most advanced music streaming service on the market.

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